From September 1978 to February 1983 I studied physics at the Technical University of Karl-Marx-Stadt, specializing in electronic components. Until August 1985 I worked as a development engineer in measurement process development at the semiconductor plant in Frankfurt (Oder).
From September 1985 to December 1990 I was the group leader for measuring process development for digital components at the same plant. From January to June 1991 I had a work assignment from the management of the semiconductor factory to set up new business sectors. I then moved to the Business and Innovation Center Frankfurt (Oder) GmbH (BIC), where I worked as a project manager in the field of marketing from July 1991 to January 1993. Until February 1996 I was an authorized signatory of BIC. At the same time , between September 1991 and January 1993 , I was doing my doctorate on the subject of "Concept of a flexible test system" at the TU Chemnitz.
After I had already been deputy managing director of Technologiepark Ostbrandenburg GmbH (TPOB) from October 1993, I took over the management in March 1996. In addition, I was managing director of the Investor Center Ostbrandenburg from March 1996, from August 1999 of ETTC Entwicklungsgesellschaft Frankfurt (Oder) GmbH and from June 2005 managing director of World Trade Center Frankfurt (Oder) GmbH (WTC). After the merger of the aforementioned companies to form Investor Center Ostbrandenburg GmbH, I again took over their management.
As a non-party candidate, I ran for the mayoral election in Frankfurt (Oder) on March 14, 2010, set up by the SPD and supported by an electoral alliance made up of the SPD, CDU, FDP and two civil alliances. I took office on May 6, 2010. From May 2010 to May 2018 I was the Lord Mayor of Frankfurt.
Since summer 2018 I have been using my experience in settlement and business consulting.