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Economic promotion and regional development
Activities in the following business development companies:
BIC - project manager, authorized signatory: marketing and start-up consultancy,
project management
Technologiepark Ostbrandenburg - Managing Director: location marketing and
technology promotion, infrastructure development
ETTC - Managing Director: development of a logistics center and terminals for
combined transport, marketing activities
ICOB - Managing Director: marketing of the growth core Frankfurt (Oder)
and Eisenhüttenstadt
WTC - Managing Director: support for small and medium-sized businesses
in product marketing and internationalization
Regionale Planungsgemeinschaft (Regional planning association) - Deputy Chairman: coordinated regional planning (MOL, LOS, FFO), e.g.
transport infrastructure , wind energy expansion
Founding member of the "Hanse Club Wirtschaft für Frankfurt (Oder) und
Eisenhüttenstadt e.V." (Club of regional companies)

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