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Engineering competence



1978 - 1983 studies of physics / electronic components at the Technical                                     University of Karl-Marx-Stadt

1981             engineering work on the subject of "CV measurements on semi-                           conductor structures"

1983             Diploma thesis on the subject of "amplifier circuits for                                             pacemakers"

1983 - 1991 experience in the development of production measurement                                   technology for microelectronics

1991 - 1993 PhD at the Technical University of Chemnitz on the subject of                                 "Concept of a flexible test system for integrated circuits"

1994 - 1996 Development and control of innovative cooperation projects                                   (Business and Innovation Center Frankfurt (Oder), employment,                             qualification and structural development company) in the fields of                       applied microelectronics, solar technology, multimedia, laser                                 technology and environmentally-oriented logistics

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